Meet Danny Koo!


Q: How would you describe your lifestyle (student/traveling performer/9-5 job/etc.)?
A: Freelancing has proven to definitely be a ‘feast or famine’ type of life-style. When it rains, it POURS. I’ve found that organizing what and when to practice pieces has proven to be the most important. Everyone learns at a different pace and it also depends on what the repertoire is. For example, I’m playing Bottesini Gran Duo in a few weeks in Korea, and I started learning that a couple weeks ago. Whereas, the Gliere (which is also on the program), I started learning yesterday.

Q: What keeps you motivated?
A: Music is all about sharing, which is pretty dope! I love hearing and feeling myself becoming a better violinist and it’s definitely motivating to have exciting concerts in the horizon!

Q: What gets you out of bed in the morning?
A: Necessity.

Q: What inspires you to do what you do?
A: To be able to move people and change the world.

Q: Describe a daily routine that makes you feel great.
A: Wake up at 9, practice till 1. Eat lunch. Rest. Gym at 4. Eat Dinner at 6. Either practice more, or hang out with friends.

Q: What is one habit would you like to change?
A: Sleeping late!

Q: What is your practicing routine, if you have one?
A: My exact practice order for this week.
Scales, Etudes, Bach, Bottesini, Arvo Part, Meyer, Penderecki, Gliere

Q: Describe a habit or a ritual you do every day and you "swear by".
A: Practice scales. Go to the gym!

Q: Do you exercise regularly? If yes, what do you do and how often?
A: YES! Everyday for less than an hour.

Q: What do you eat before concerts/performances?
A: Banana and water~

Q: How to you manage your anxiety or daily stress?
A: Work-out, practice, pray.

Q: Do you have a routine before an audition?
A: Warm up for at least 1.5 hours right before the audition.

Q: What was the most important mantra/lesson/idea you learned in the last couple of years?
A: Be prepared.

Q: Before going to bed, what do you do to wind down? 
A: Read!

Q: How do you deal with rejection? Can you share an example?
A: I’m a bit of an oddball, because I love rejection. Everyone has room to improve, and rejection humbles us and keeps us always yearning and striving for excellence. I used to sulk whenever something didn’t pan out the way I imagined, but I realized that didn’t do anything except bring me deeper into a slump. The only way out of a slump is to practice.

Q: How do you find a balance between your music life and career and your personal life? (How do you keep and maintain balanced life?)
A: I like to do my practicing in bulk so I can do other things the rest of the day.

Q: What do you do to keep your self focused on your work even when you are busy?
A: I’m usually busy with work, so that isn’t a problem!! 

Q: What helps you focus?
A: Feeling healthy physically tends to bring more peace and focus mentally.

Q: How do your splurge yourself?
A: Food!!!


Read more about Danny Koo and learn about his upcoming performances here!