Summer withdrawal tips
/Wow, the summer just flew by! Can you believe it's mid-August?! We prepared so much for this summer: how to pack, travel, and how to survive while being in new places. But now summer is almost over, and we have to deal with summer withdrawal. How can we return to the "normal" rhythm of life without getting too bummed. Here are some ideas on how to deal with the return to school/work:
1. Get organized: Before everything gets crazy, make the time to put upcoming gigs in your calendar. Order all of the music you need for recitals and concerts. Clean and rearrange your bookshelves. Get ready for a clean start!
2. Maintenance: Summer weather and traveling takes a toll on our instruments and bodies. Take your instrument for a cleaning or adjustment. Maybe it's even a good time to change strings or get a re-hair. Also consider a massage or a relaxing bath.
3. Buy some cool perks for yourself: Get the new planner you've been eyeing. Buy cool pencils that make life in orchestra better. Maybe invest in a new shoulder rest or new mallets. It's always more exciting to have new things and it doesn't have to be fancy or expensive.
4. Goals: write down some goals you want to achieve this academic year. What summer programs do you want to apply to? What auditions do you want to take? What jobs do you want?
5. Get Excited: This is the time to get EXCITED about this new academic cycle. Create a list of all the new things you want try (new repertoire, concerts, restaurants) and make it a point to go through the list. It really doesn't have to be too adventurous or crazy. Just get excited to try and explore because... why not?!