When sH*t hit the fan

We all have these days. We plan and anticipate something, but then as soon as we thought everything is under control something comes and blows everything up. Examples vary from unexpected travel changes, misunderstandings in communication, to stressful living situations. I'm sure you have your own example of times when sH*t hit the fan, so I won't bore you with stories... 

Recently I got into a "crunchy" situation myself, so here are a few things that helped me cope with it tremendously: 

1. Reset spots: Reset spots are the times or places where you are most relaxed. It's really important to find reset spots and have them ready for these stressful times.  When you feel overwhelmed, go back to the reset spot before you start dealing with the sH*t. A few examples of my favorite reset spots: 

- Taking a warm shower

- Cooking or baking

- Going to a quiet cafe and not touching my phone

- Going for a nice walk or a run

- Practicing something I enjoy 

2. Plan financially and save up for these tricky situations: If this problem can be solved with money, you shouldn't think twice about spending the money to make things better. Save up for sH*ty times so you can reduce the anxiety when it's possible. 

3. Make a list of all possible solutions. Even the unrealistic ones. Make a big list and even include ideas that seem out of reach which will help the brainstorming process, and... who knows?!

4. Reach out to a friend: It's ok to ask for help! Our support system is as important as the actual solution, and it helps with brainstorming and can bring momentarily relief. 

5. Look forward. Think about something that is coming up in the near future and focus on that. Now things are tricky but it will get better!