Wellness profile with viola professor Edward Gazouleas

Ed Gazouleas.jpg

Q: How would you describe your lifestyle (student/traveling performer/9-5 job/etc.)?
After 24 years in the Boston Symphony I now teach full time in Indiana University, and my daily schedule revolves around teaching mostly lessons.  I tend to practice early in the morning or in the evening.  

Q: What inspires you to do what you do?
A: I’m constantly inspired by my students and the gratification of seeing them improve on the viola and grow as musicians.  I look for at least one moment of “spark” or epiphany in each lesson.  When I see it, even if it’s a very small spark, I’m inspired to go on. 

I’m also continually inspired by my own great teachers and many of the outstanding musicians I’ve encountered in my career of almost four decades.

Q: Describe a daily routine that makes you feel great.
In terms of daily routine, I feel much better about my playing if I have some time to do some technical work.  I’ve become somewhat addicted to some of the exercises in the Dounis Daily Dozen.  

Q: Do you exercise regularly? If yes, what do you do and how often?
A: My favorite exercise is Pilates.  I also periodically do a stretching and free weight routine at home.  

Q: What do you eat before concerts/performances?
A: These days before concerts I mainly try to stay hydrated.

Q: What do you do if you feel like you're in a practice rut?
A: Practice rut?  Change something, anything.  
Experiment.  What’s the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.  
Example:  practice a passage with a different fingering even if you know you won’t use it. It makes you hear it differently.  

Q: What piece of advice you wish you were told when you were a student? 
A: Play a smaller viola.

Q: How do your splurge yourself?
A: a better than average bottle of wine.