Fight seasonal carbs/sugar cravings


A friend approached me last week with a request. She noticed she’s craving more carbs and sweets during this time of year. She asked why does this happen now, and most importantly, what can we do to fight it?!

First of all, noticing it is already huge.  

When we get closer to winter, we might feel that even if we eat regular and healthy meals, we crave sweets and foods that are loaded with carbs. In a way, it makes sense! The days are colder, and shorter and our body wants more energy (quick carbs) to maintain a good mood. Carbs supply quick energy and also promote the increased production of serotonin, a hormone that is related to good mood and is also boosted when taking anti-depressants.

Ok, so it makes sense. We crave more carbs and sweets.... what can we do about it?

First of all, there are certain carbs you should try to avoid altogether: "simple carbs" such as white flour, doughnuts, pasta, and white rice.
Why? While we think they help us boost our energy levels, this is only temporary because they also make our energy come and go in waves. These simple carbs tend to raise our blood sugar levels quickly, which usually results in a quick drop of energy that might cause fatigue, headaches, and irritability (aka a "sugar crash").

So... what should we eat?

1. Switch to whole wheat carbs whenever possible

I find it amazing that you can substitute whole wheat flour instead of white flour in any recipe; from pancakes and muffins to bread and pasta. This switch helps us eat more fiber and stay full for longer.

2. Eat more protein!
Similarly to whole wheat options, food rich in protein also helps us stay full and stabilizes our sugar levels. Notice you are eating enough protein with your meals (eggs, beans, cheese, lean meats), and not just a plate of pasta. You can add beans to you salad, snack on veggies and hummus, and always have a yogurt handy for hungry moments.

3. Accommodate your craving strategically

Notice when you crave certain things. Embrace it and plan accordingly. If you notice you crave more sweets at night, eat more healthy during breakfast and lunch. Also try to have healthy snacks mid-day so you are not super hungry during the evening.

4. Follow your cravings down to the basics

Craving peanut butter? Maybe you are low on magnesium.

Craving chocolate? Maybe you need a boost to your mood as chocolate boosts serotonin and dopamine. 

Craving cheese? Maybe you don't eat enough protein or calcium.

Usually our cravings mean something about what our body NEEDS. Try to listen to it, and not just supply it with the immediate and easy solution. See how you can bring relief in the long run.

5. Eat "slow foods"

Make soups and drink tea and coffee. Find recipes for food that takes longer to eat, and is also hot and comforting during colder seasons.

6. Cook whole grain and veggie dishes

You can use warm whole grain dishes to bring satisfaction and comfort to your stomach and soul. Look for recipes that include potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, and grains such as farro, quinoa, barely, and wild rice.

7. Most importantly: make it fun!
Use colorful foods such as purple sweet potatoes and cauliflower, heirloom tomatoes, beets, carrots. All these foods bring nice colors to your plate! Make cooking, and eating fun. Try new recipes that follow your cravings, but also are healthier choices!