Injuries Part II: Prevention!


We work with our body constantly, using repetitive movements for many hours a day. As a result, our body can easily become injured. Many injuries seem to happen during this time of year: when preparing for auditions, juries at school, or in the middle of a summer program.

How can we prevent injuries when we must play so much and can't really afford to stop and rest?

1. Warm up your body: before even touching your instrument, you must warm up your body! Stand up and do big circles with your hands and wrists, moving from the shoulders. Take a few big breaths and try to feel the flow of blood in your body to improve circulation.

2. Pay attention to your posture: It's easy to start playing or singing without noticing the shape of your spine. Before you get into it, take a moment and focus on your posture. Whether you sit or stand, experiment with balancing your weight in different places. For example, I used to hold a lot of tension in my thumbs and just by thinking about it I trained myself to relax the tension. If you practice reducing tension while practicing, you have a better chance to replicate this while performing (and when the tension usually is greater!).

3. Drink a lot of water: Bring water bottles to rehearsals and to your practice room. If you drink coffee, don't forget that caffeine is naturally dehydrating and you should balance it with enough water.

4. Sleep enough: Sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice when we have deadline. But sometimes, our body needs sleep more than practice so it can heal and relax your muscles. Cutting your practice session short by 1 hour to get an extra hour of sleep will most likely have more benefits than practicing for that extra hour. It will also improve your focus!

5. Eat well: Vitamins and a nutritious diet are KEY during a period of intense preparation. You might have a tendency to indulge more and eat sweets and fast foods during stressful times. But, the truth is that the body needs protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs during busy and physically demanding times. Eat as much of a balanced diet as you can. Find healthy substitutes for your cravings: instead of ice cream, try Greek yogurt with fruit. If you crave chocolate, try trail mix with nuts and cranberries. 

6. *Most important tip* know when to stop: It's hard to know when to stop practicing when you try to perfect a piece. It's important to set realistic goals for yourself and consider your own well-being so you can plan your work effectively. Set a timer and work on specific passages or a few measures at a time if you have trouble focusing. Do very specific run-throughs and take notes or record. Try to avoid playing things again and again making the same mistakes. Set and intention for each practice session and If you find yourself day-dreaming, stop.

Don't forget that playing your instrument or singing can be as physical as a workout! Remember to bring the same common sense you bring to the gym to your practice room and rehearsals.